Be sure to observe [as many of] these BEST PRACTICES as well:
⚠️ DO NOT DISMISS THESE SO EASILY – Most people “KNOW”, yet STILL do them. It WILL make your condition worse or impede the healing process. There is NO EASY FIX for eczema/psoriasis, just as there is RARELY OVERNIGHT RESULTS. So, pls be PATIENT with your skin & STAY POSITIVE!
- Shower using cold or room temperature water. Avoid hot showers.
- Pat dry after shower, not wipe or rub dry – to avoid worsening damaged skin barrier.
- Avoid soaps, body wash, shampoo, or any cleansers that contain fragrance and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate [SLS] – the bubblier the soap, the worse it is.
- Avoid known irritants – sanitizers, heat/sun, dust mites, bed bugs, pollen, pet dander, nickel, latex etc.
- Wash clothing and linens in fragrance-free detergent; double rinse whenever possible.
- Be very mindful if using steroid creams. Use only for emergencies, and no more than 7 days in a row.
- Avoid allergy-causing foods like nuts & shellfish. Eat more foods with Zinc & Vitamin D.
- Allow skin to breathe by wearing natural cotton fabric – avoid wool & polyester.
- Use a humidifier if sleeping in airconditioned room so that the air is not too dry.
- Try to drink at least 2-3 litres of water daily. Dehydration causes dry skin.
- Check stress & anxiety – it is a major trigger and will significantly increase inflammation-inducing chemicals and toxins in your body.
- Most importantly, DO NOT SCRATCH! [most scratching happen unconsciously during sleep] Do this instead 👇🏻

请观察 [尽可能多] 这些最佳方法:
⚠️ 不要轻易忽略这些。大多数人都”知道”,但仍然这样做。它会使您的病情恶化或阻碍愈合过程。湿疹没有轻易的修复方法,并且很少有一夜之间的效果。因此,请对您的皮肤保持耐心并保持积极态度!
- 仅使用冷水或室温水洗澡。避免用热水洗澡。
- 洗澡时拍干受影响的部位,不要干抹或干擦 – 以避免受损的皮肤屏障恶化。
- 避免使用肥皂,沐浴露,洗发水或任何含有香精和十二烷基硫酸钠的清洁剂 [SLS] – 肥皂起泡越多,情况就越糟。
- 避免接触已知的刺激物 – 消毒剂,热/阳光,尘螨,臭虫,花粉,宠物皮屑,镍,胶乳等。
- 用无香味的洗涤剂清洗衣物和床单; 尽可能双次冲洗。
- 如果使用类固醇药膏,请务必小心。 仅在紧急情况下使用,并且连续使用不超过 7 天。
- 避免过敏的食物,如坚果和贝类。多吃含有锌和维生素D的食物。
- 通过穿上天然棉织物让皮肤呼吸 – 避免羊毛和聚酯纤维。
- 如果睡在空调房,请使用增湿器,以免空气太过干燥。
- 每天喝至少 2-3 公升水。脱水导致皮肤干燥。
- 检查压力和焦虑 – 这是一个主要的触发因素,会明显增加体内诱导炎症的化学物质和毒素。
- 最重要的是,不要抓挠![大多数抓挠都是在睡眠时无意识地发生的] 请改为以下操作 👇🏻